Word Counter

Paste your text to get word count, characters count, sentences count, paragraphs count.



Characters without spaces:



Word Counter FAQs

How do I get the word count of a text?

Paste your text in the box above and the number of words, characters, sentences and paragraphs will be automatically counted and displayed. As simple as that!

Does the word counter upload my text to the cloud?

No! The text you type or paste is never uploaded or sent over the internet. All calculations are performed locally on your device.

What counts as a word, character, sentence or paragraph?

This is roughly how the counts are calculated:

  • A word is any sequence of characters that does not contain non-letters. _ is considered a letter and is also a word on its own. - is considered a letter but is not a word on its own.
  • A character is any letter or punctuation. Also, a separate number is counted that excludes spaces.
  • A sentence is any sequence of characters that ends with a ., ! or ?
  • A paragraph is any sequence of characters that ends with a new line

Any other tips?

Fun fact: The number of words in the Word Counter FAQs section is 192. Wow! So many for such a simple utility!